Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer School

From my title most people wouldn't think this post would be a fun one. Fortunately, you can be surprised by how much fun summer school can be! Okay, so this isn't the real type of summer school where you are doing actual school work, but instead most of the activities are arts and crafts, games, and maybe a little reading here and there...and luckily, this is my summer job!

Being with the kids is incredible, and I never believed I would like it as much as I do. Although my occupation will be Physical Therapy doing this type of work has made me wonder if I would be the right person to teach elementary grade school.

So far it's been great and I have had a blast! I will have this job until next Thursday then I will be done for this summer school year. Hopefully I will be able to have this same job again next year!

Here is a picture of one of the cutest boys in the Kindergarten class, Logan.

Here is a picture of me, an extremely cute Kindergartner, and my work buddy Jenna.

and here is my little cousin and me at one of the Friday Field Trips! She's cute as a button!

Gotta love summer school!!

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