Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"You Can't Always Get What You Want

...but if you try sometimes, you get what you need"

the most famous song by the Rolling Stones has hit me hard here lately. I'm getting closer and CLOSERRRR to college...and the time is getting shorter where I know I won't have to ask before I go out with someone, ask to go here and there, and ask to do practically anything I want to do anymore. 

Here lately, all I want is a little FREEDOM. Not at all like I want to go crazy and do some bad stuff, but more like I wanna go out and eat MCD at 10 o'clock at night if I want, is that so much to ask? Or, I wanna go see my friends for a movie...just things like that. Being SO close to that kind of freedom but not quite being there now is taking its toll. I'm getting anxious, and so excited for the college life.

Does this look like the face of a girl who wants to get into some serious trouble? I think not!

& maybe this isn't true, but it feels like the closer I get to moving out, the more the parents want to keep you in...want to control your every move. Maybe that is just because they know you will be leaving soon and they know you WILL be able to do a lot of things without their permission...but here is what I've learned...that when the parents are like that, it doesn't help the situation AT ALL. It makes me even more pumped for the day that I get to go out into the world and do my own thing...and like I said, "my thing" isn't what some people's thing is. I definitely don't want any bad trouble, but it's fun sometimes staying up until 2 in the morning to skype with some old friends, it's nice to be able to go see whoever you'd like to without having to get the permission from the parents. 

Without saying much more, I guess you can come to the conclusion that I am SO READY for college. I DON'T want EVERYTHING college has to offer me, BUT...for the most part, I think it's going to great for me to get to enjoy some good CLEAN fun. & not have to worry about someone telling me I can't do something..now that'll be the good life! (minus the schoolwork) So no, at this point I can't always get what I want...but very verrrry soon, I will get what I need. FREEDOM!

Love Always, 

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