Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prom Night

Prom is today, and for MOST teenage girls this is the day that they all look forward to...note I said MOST teenage girls, meaning to exclude ME.

The only thing I really like about it is getting to dress up, I used to be the drum major in high school so that I got to pick out my own sparkly, jazzed out outfit and wear and look nice every Friday night. So I LOVE dressing up and looking nice. What I don't like is all of the planning and stress.

My past experiences with prom has been great, and not so great. My first year I went, I went with a guy that goes to a different school as me. I was nervous as a sophomore but this guy is most certainly one of the best guys I have EVER met. & that is not an exageration. He made prom seem fun! My second year though, not so great...

I won't go into very many details but I will say that "mean girls" very much intended on ruining my whole night..and I let them, so that was terrible.

THIS YEAR I am blessed to be going with a special guy I call one of my best friends, I am going to be able to eat RIBS (which are my favorite) and go play LASER TAG afterwards which is very exciting. I got my dress for around $70 which is a great deal, and hopefully this year will be DRAMA FREE since I have made it my mission to avoid all "mean girls."

Hopefully tonight will be filled with a lot of good food, dancing, and games of victory of laser tag. :)

With Love,


me and my lovely mother

dad, me, and mom
and last but not least......

me and my wonderful date! Isn't he handsome? :)

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