Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Typical Saturday...for the NOT-SO-TYPICAL Teen

For most teenagers, the Saturday consists of sleeping in until noon, watching tv until around 5, getting ready, and then heading off to chill with friends at the mall or movies or somewhere fun. Well, I'm not the typical teenager..

I honestly don't think its normal to have the kind of busy schedule that I do. I can't remember the last time I slept in, the last time I got to go out with a group of friends, or just hangout around the house. I am always involved in some kind of event, practice, or trip that I need to be on. BUT with saying all of that today has been one of the most relaxing days I have had in a long time! This is the first Saturday, and will be the only Saturday until AFTER graduation, that I have "off." Because, as crazy as it sounds I have from now until June 4th completely BOOKED with band events, sports activities, and trips (not to mention the dreadful Wisdom Teeth surgery in May).

I would have to say the best part of my day was getting to spend some quality time with my parents, which ALWAYS happens yet NEVER happens. We are all practically glued to each others sides because they are so involved in my school and sports life, but it's always best when we can all just hangout here at the house, eat some ice cream, watch a movie or two, and just chill. Also not having my brother around is a plus! Ha! (just kidding, okay sort of) So these are the days I most certainly look forward too...and I hope no one takes for granted the "lazy days" that we all so rarely get to enjoy.

With Love,

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